
veal: Meat of a young calf fed solely on a milk diet, slaughtered between three and fifteen weeks old. Producing veal can provide a high-value product for farmers, improving income.


vaccine: A substance which contains the germs of a disease, used to inoculate or vaccinate someone against it. Vaccines are crucial for preventing diseases in livestock, ensuring the health and productivity of farm animals.

Variable Premium

variable premium: An extra payment which varies according to production quality. Understanding and utilizing variable premiums can incentivize higher quality production and increase farm revenue.

Voluntary Initiative

Voluntary Initiative: A five-year program of measures aimed at minimizing the environmental impact of crop protection products. Implementing the Voluntary Initiative can improve environmental sustainability on the farm.

Vitamin B Complex

vitamin B complex: A group of vitamins which are soluble in water, including folic acid, pyridoxine, and riboflavin. Ensuring adequate intake of the vitamin B complex can improve energy metabolism and overall health in livestock.

Veterinary Medicines Directorate

Veterinary Medicines Directorate: An executive agency of Defra which regulates the development and use of veterinary medicines. The VMD ensures the safe and effective use of veterinary medicines, protecting animal health.


vitamin: A substance not produced in the body, but found in most foods, and needed for good health. Ensuring adequate vitamin intake in livestock diets can improve health and productivity.


viviparous: Referring to an animal such as a mammal or some fish that give birth to live young. Understanding viviparous reproduction can improve livestock breeding and productivity.


ventricle: A chamber of the heart that receives blood from the atria and pumps it to the arteries. Understanding livestock anatomy, including the ventricle, can help in managing animal health effectively.