ulcerated: Covered with ulcers. Regular monitoring for ulceration can help maintain livestock health and productivity, preventing more severe health complications.
Angus & Simental Mix Beef
ulcerated: Covered with ulcers. Regular monitoring for ulceration can help maintain livestock health and productivity, preventing more severe health complications.
Ulster White: A breed of pig popular for bacon production in Northern Ireland. It is quite rare today, having been replaced by the Large White. Preserving rare breeds like the Ulster White can maintain genetic diversity in livestock, which is important for disease resistance and overall farm resilience.
ulceration: A condition where ulcers develop or the development of an ulcer. Addressing ulceration early can prevent complications and ensure the well-being of animals, maintaining their health and productivity.
Ulmus: The Latin name for elm. Understanding tree species like Ulmus can benefit agroforestry practices and enhance farm biodiversity, improving the ecological balance on the farm.
ultramicroscopic: Too small to be seen with a light microscope. Understanding ultramicroscopic organisms can help farmers manage soil health and pest control effectively, improving crop yields and reducing losses.
ultrasonics: Using high-frequency sound waves to tell what is below the skin of a live animal. By using ultrasonics, it is possible to tell the amount of fat layers and the muscle area. Ultrasonics can improve meat quality assessment and livestock management, ensuring better market prices and healthier animals.
umbel: A flower cluster in which the flowers all rise on stalks from the same point on the plants stem, e.g. on a carrot or polyanthus. Recognizing umbel structures can aid in identifying beneficial or harmful plants on the farm, helping with crop management.
umbellifer: A plant belonging to the Umbelliferae. Plants like umbellifers can attract beneficial insects and improve farm biodiversity, enhancing pest control and pollination services.