
salmonellosis: A disease caused by Salmonella bacteria. Farmers benefit from preventing salmonellosis to protect livestock health and prevent economic losses.


scutch: Same as couch grass. Farmers benefit from managing scutch grass to prevent weed infestations and maintain crop health.


saliva: A clear fluid secreted by the salivary glands into the mouth, and containing water, mucus and enzymes to lubricate food and break down starch into sugars. Farmers benefit from understanding saliva’s role in animal digestion for better livestock health management.


stocky: referring to an animal with short strong legs. Properly managing stocky animals ensures healthy growth and productivity, supporting farm profitability.


sawdust: Powder produced when sawing wood. Sawdust is used both as a mulch for plants and as bedding for animals. Farmers benefit from using sawdust for soil improvement and livestock comfort.

Spring Wheat

spring wheat: wheat which is sown in spring and harvested towards the end of the summer. Growing spring wheat provides farmers with a seasonal crop that supports crop rotation and sustainable agricultural practices.


sphagnum: a type of moss that grows in acid conditions. Cultivating sphagnum provides farmers with a valuable resource for horticulture and soil improvement, supporting sustainable practices.


shoot: 1. A new growth from the stem of a plant 2. Part of a young seed plant, the stem and first leaves which show above the surface of the soil. To kill something with a gun. Farmers benefit from managing shoots for successful plant growth and crop production.

Sole Furrow

sole furrow: the last slice cut during ploughing. Proper ploughing techniques, such as creating sole furrows, ensure efficient soil preparation and promote healthy crop growth.

Spot Price

spot price: the market price for produce or livestock at a specific time. ‘If most of the feeds needed can be bought forward during dips in the market, the end result is a high quality, highly competitive diet and significant feed cost savings compared to spot prices.’ [Farmers Guardian]. Monitoring spot prices helps farmers make informed decisions about sales and purchases, optimizing profitability.