Redistribution Of Land

redistribution of land: The practice of taking land from large landowners and splitting it into smaller plots for many people to own. Land redistribution can support smallholder farmers, increasing agricultural productivity and rural development.


regrowth: The growth that occurs after a cut or harvest, or after accidental damage or fire. Managing regrowth helps farmers maintain productive fields and pastures, supporting sustainable farming practices.

Root Harvester

root harvester: A machine for lifting root crops out of the ground, e.g. a sugar beet harvester. Using root harvesters improves harvesting efficiency and protects crop quality.


rush: A common weed (Juncus) growing near water, in moors and marshes, of little nutritional value. Managing rushes supports pasture health and productivity.


Rothamsted: The site of the Agricultural Experimental station, established in 1843 by John Bennett Lawes. The station specialized in research into plant nutrition and demonstrated the importance of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium to plants. Today it is important for its research into biotechnology and is to a large extent sponsored by the BBRSC. Rothamsted research supports agricultural innovation and best practices, benefiting farmers through improved crop and soil management techniques.


respiration: The action of breathing. Understanding respiration is crucial for managing livestock health and addressing respiratory issues.


RSPCA: Abbreviation for Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. The RSPCA supports farmers by promoting animal welfare and ensuring compliance with animal protection laws.

Rural Tourism

rural tourism: Holiday and leisure activities carried out in the countryside. Promoting rural tourism supports agritourism and enhances farm income.


runholder: A farmer who owns a sheep run. Understanding run management supports effective livestock production and grazing practices.


resinous: Like resin, or producing resin. Understanding resinous properties helps farmers manage tree health and utilize forest products effectively.