resist: To fight off or not be subject to the effects of something. Developing resistant crop varieties helps farmers manage pests and diseases, ensuring stable yields and reduced losses.
Angus & Simental Mix Beef
resist: To fight off or not be subject to the effects of something. Developing resistant crop varieties helps farmers manage pests and diseases, ensuring stable yields and reduced losses.
rainfall: The amount of water that falls as rain on an area over a period of time. Understanding rainfall patterns helps farmers plan irrigation and manage water resources effectively.
rotavator: A trademark for a type of rotary cultivator. Using rotavators supports efficient soil preparation and crop establishment.
ripper: A heavy cultivator consisting of a strong frame with long tines attached to it. It is used to break up compacted soil to allow free passage of air and water. Also called subsoiler. Using rippers helps farmers improve soil structure and enhance crop growth.
refection: Consumption by an animal of its own feces. Understanding animal behavior like refection helps farmers manage livestock health and nutrition.
replacement rate: The rate of introduction of heifers into a dairy herd to replace aging cows or cows with low milk yields. Managing replacement rates helps farmers maintain productive dairy herds and optimize milk production.
runt: A small individual animal, one that is smaller than average for its kind; the smallest animal in a litter. Managing runts ensures they receive adequate nutrition and care, promoting healthy growth and development.
Rouge de lOuest: A breed of sheep originating in France. Also called Red. Raising Rouge de lOuest sheep provides farmers with high-quality meat and wool, supporting diversified farm income.
regulator: Something or someone controlling a process or activity. Using regulators helps farmers manage farm operations efficiently and ensure compliance with industry standards.
Recommended Daily Amount: The amount of a substance, e.g. a vitamin or mineral, that should be consumed each day for a person or animal to be healthy. Abbreviation: RDA. Understanding RDAs helps farmers ensure their livestock receive proper nutrition, enhancing growth and productivity.