
reseed: To reestablish a ley by sowing seed again. Reseeding improves pasture quality and productivity, supporting sustainable livestock grazing.


redshanks: Same as redlegs. Managing redshanks is essential for protecting crop yields and ensuring efficient harvests.


refrigeration: A method of prolonging the life of various foods by storing them at very low temperatures. Effective refrigeration reduces spoilage and waste, enhancing farm profitability.


refine: To process something to remove impurities. Refining agricultural products ensures higher quality and better market value, enhancing farm income.


refrigerate: To cool produce and keep it at a cool temperature. Refrigeration helps farmers preserve produce quality and extend shelf life, reducing waste and increasing marketability.

Raspberry Beetle

raspberry beetle: A serious pest (Byturus tomentosus) whose larvae feed on young raspberry fruit. Managing this pest is essential for farmers to protect raspberry crops and ensure high-quality yields.


riddle: A coarse sieve for sieving soil; to grade and sort produce according to size, using a sieve. Using riddles helps farmers manage soil quality and sort produce efficiently.


raceme: An inflorescence in which flowers are borne on individual stalks on a main flower stem. Understanding plant structures like racemes aids farmers in crop management and optimizing yields.


Romney: A hardy breed of sheep found in large numbers on Romney Marsh, which has heavy fine-quality long wool fleece. The Romney half-breed has been developed by crossing Romney ewes with North Country Cheviot rams, and has been widely exported. Also called Kent. Raising Romney sheep provides farmers with high-quality wool and meat, supporting diversified farm income.


rain: Water that falls from clouds as small drops. Adequate rainfall is crucial for crop irrigation and overall farm productivity, making it vital for farmers to monitor weather patterns.