
pedology: The study of the soil. Understanding pedology helps in improving soil health and fertility, leading to better crop yields.


petrol: A fuel for vehicles such as tractors. Compare diesel. Ensuring a reliable supply of petrol supports farm operations and machinery maintenance.

Particle Size Distribution

particle size distribution: A way of measuring the composition of soil, which can be used in planning irrigation and crop arrangement. Knowing soil composition helps in selecting appropriate crops and irrigation practices.

Piece Rate

piece rate: The amount of money paid to workers according to the amount of work done, rather than on an hourly or daily basis. Implementing piece rate systems can improve worker productivity and farm efficiency.


ploughshare: A heavy metal blade of a plough, which cuts the bottom of the furrow. Helpful content: Maintaining sharp and properly aligned ploughshares ensures efficient soil cutting and turning. This leads to better seedbed preparation and improved crop establishment.


PYO: Abbreviation for pick-your-own. Helpful content: Pick-your-own operations can provide additional revenue streams and attract customers to farms. Farmers can enhance customer engagement and profitability by offering pick-your-own experiences.


pharmaceutical: 1. An industrial chemical used to make medicines 2. Referring to the manufacture of medicines. Using pharmaceuticals in veterinary medicine ensures the health and well-being of livestock.

Parasitise, Parasitize

parasitise, parasitize: To live as a parasite on another organism. Sheep are parasitised by flukes. Understanding parasitic relationships aids in effective pest and disease management.


phosphorus: A vital nutrient for plant growth, often applied as a fertilizer. Proper management of phosphorus is essential for healthy crops and soil fertility.

Protected Cropping

protected cropping: Protected cultivation, the growing of crops under some form of protection, e.g., in greenhouses or under polythene sheeting. Helpful content: Protected cropping extends growing seasons and improves plant growth conditions. Farmers can increase yields and quality by using greenhouses, tunnels, or other protective structures.