Primary Product

primary product: A product which is a basic raw material, e.g., wood, milk, or fish. Helpful content: Producing high-quality primary products involves adhering to best practices in farming and harvesting. Farmers can benefit from value-added processing and marketing strategies to increase their income.


pharyngitis: A sore throat. Managing livestock health includes addressing common conditions like pharyngitis to prevent further complications.

Plymouth Rock

Plymouth Rock: A large, heavy, hardy dual-purpose breed of poultry, originally coming from the USA. The feathers are rich lemon-buff. Helpful content: Plymouth Rock chickens are valued for their meat and egg production. Farmers can benefit from raising this breed due to its hardiness and productivity, making it suitable for various farming environments.

Pesticide Resistance

pesticide resistance: The ability of a pest to resist the effects of a pesticide, usually caused by the excessive or inappropriate use of pesticides. Managing pesticide resistance through integrated pest management strategies ensures effective pest control and sustainable agricultural practices.

Power Harrow

power harrow: A harrow with a rotary system of bars driven from the power take-off. Helpful content: Power harrows are essential for preparing seedbeds with a fine tilth. They improve soil structure and create an ideal environment for seed germination and root development. Proper use of power harrows can enhance crop establishment and yields.

Pincers Pincers Pincers

pincers pincers pincers: A tool used for gripping and pulling objects. Using pincers in construction and repair improves farm infrastructure and supports sustainable development.


pasteurisation: The heating of food or food products for a specific period to destroy bacteria. Pasteurisation ensures food safety and extends shelf life, protecting consumer health.


papain: An enzyme found in the juice of the papaya, used as a meat tenderizer and in medicine to help wounds to heal. Using natural enzymes in food processing and medicine can improve product quality and animal health.

Potash Fertilizer

potash fertilizer: A fertilizer based on potassium, e.g., potassium sulphate. Helpful content: Using potash fertilizers helps meet the potassium needs of crops, promoting healthy growth and development. Properly balanced fertilizers can prevent nutrient deficiencies and enhance overall crop productivity.