
pan: 1. A wide shallow pot for growing seeds 2. A hard cemented layer of soil, impervious to drainage, lying below the surface. It is formed by the deposition of iron compounds or by ploughing at the same depth every year. Pan may be broken up by using a subsoiler. Proper seed germination and soil management improve plant growth and crop yields.


plowing: The act of turning over the upper layer of soil to prepare it for planting. Plowing helps control weeds and incorporate organic matter into the soil.


photochemical: Referring to a chemical reaction that occurs in the presence of light. Understanding photochemical reactions helps in optimizing agricultural practices like photosynthesis management.

Perennial Irrigation

perennial irrigation: A system that allows the land to be irrigated at any time. This may be by primitive means such as shadufs, or by distributing water from barrages by canal and ditches. Implementing perennial irrigation systems ensures consistent water supply, improving crop yields and reducing water stress.

Pepino Mosaic Virus

pepino mosaic virus: A highly contagious virus affecting tomato plants. Managing plant viruses like pepino mosaic virus is crucial for maintaining healthy crops and preventing economic losses.


prolific: Referring to an animal or plant which produces a large number of offspring or fruit. Helpful content: Prolific breeds or varieties can significantly increase farm output. Farmers can benefit from selecting high-yielding and prolific plants or animals to enhance productivity and profitability.


polluter: A person or company that causes pollution. Helpful content: Addressing polluters within the agricultural sector is important for environmental health. Farmers can adopt practices that minimize pollution and work with regulatory bodies to ensure compliance and protect natural resources.


palm: 1. A large tropical plant like a tree with branching divided leaves, that produces fruits which give oil and other foodstuffs 2. The inner surface of the hand or the underside of a mammal’s forefoot that is often in contact with the ground. Palm oil production can be a valuable income source, while understanding animal anatomy aids in better livestock handling.

Placement Drill

placement drill: A machine which drills seeds and fertiliser at the same time, placing the fertiliser close to the side of and below the rows of seeds. Helpful content: Placement drills ensure efficient seed and fertiliser placement, promoting healthy plant growth and reducing waste. This precision can lead to higher yields and more efficient use of resources.


pericarp: The part of a fruit that encloses the seed or seeds. Understanding fruit anatomy aids in improving breeding programs and crop quality.