
Liveweight: Liveweight is the weight of a live animal. Comparing liveweight with deadweight can help farmers assess animal growth and market value.


Laxative: A laxative is a substance that encourages movements of the bowel. Succulent food such as root crops have a laxative effect. Understanding the effects of different crops on livestock health can help farmers manage animal nutrition.

Loose Smut

Loose Smut: Loose smut is a fungus (Ustilago nuda) affecting wheat and barley. Masses of black spores collect on the diseased heads; the spores are dispersed in the wind, and only a bare stalk is left. Managing loose smut through disease prevention and control measures can protect wheat and barley crops and improve yields.


Leaseback: Leaseback is an arrangement where property is sold and then taken back by the former owner on a lease. Leaseback arrangements can provide farmers with liquidity while retaining use of essential assets.

Lifestyle Farmland Buyer

Lifestyle Farmland Buyer: A lifestyle farmland buyer is somebody who purchases farmland for leisure or investment purposes rather than as a working farmer. Understanding the motivations of lifestyle farmland buyers can help farmers and real estate agents cater to diverse market needs.

Less Favoured Area

Less Favoured Area: Less favoured area is a former name for land in mountainous and hilly areas, which is capable of improvement and use as breeding and rearing land for sheep and cattle. It is now called Disadvantaged or Severely Disadvantaged Areas. The EU now recognizes such areas and gives financial help to farmers in them. Abbr LFA. Understanding and utilizing support schemes for less favoured areas can enhance agricultural development in challenging terrains.


Latex: Latex is 1. a white fluid from a plant such as poppy, dandelion, or rubber tree, and 2. a thick white fluid from a rubber tree, which is treated and processed to make rubber. Understanding latex sources and uses can help farmers diversify crop production.


Leucine: Leucine is an essential amino acid. Understanding amino acids like leucine can help farmers formulate balanced animal feeds.

Leicester Longwool

Leicester Longwool: Leicester Longwool is a breed of large hornless white-faced sheep, used a lot by Robert Bakewell, but now rare. Understanding and preserving rare breeds like Leicester Longwool can enhance genetic diversity and resilience in sheep farming.

Landscape Gardener

Landscape Gardener: A landscape gardener is a gardener who creates a new appearance for a garden. Employing landscape gardeners can enhance the visual appeal and functionality of farm gardens.