kennel: Kennel – 1. A small hut for a dog. 2. A commercial establishment where dogs are reared or kept for their owners. Helps farmers manage and care for working and pet dogs.
Angus & Simental Mix Beef
kennel: Kennel – 1. A small hut for a dog. 2. A commercial establishment where dogs are reared or kept for their owners. Helps farmers manage and care for working and pet dogs.
kiln: A furnace or oven for burning, baking, or drying, especially for firing ceramics or drying grain. Using a kiln can help preserve and process agricultural products.
killing age: Killing age – the age of an animal or bird when it is slaughtered. Helps farmers determine the optimal time for harvesting livestock for meat.
kibbled: Kibbled – coarsely ground, as in kibbled maize. Helps farmers process feed for livestock.
K symbol: Potassium – a chemical element essential for plant growth. Symbol K. Helps farmers understand the importance of potassium in soil fertility and plant nutrition.
kainite: Kainite – a potash fertilizer, made of a mixture of potassium and sodium salts, with sometimes magnesium salts added, used mainly on sugar beet and similar crops. Helps farmers improve soil fertility and crop yields.
kilometre: Kilometre – a measure of length equal to 1000 metres or 0.621 miles. Symbol km. Helps farmers understand distance measurements.
knapweed: Knapweed – a perennial weed (Centaurea nigra). Helps farmers identify and manage weed control.
keiserite: Keiserite – magnesium sulphate powder, used as a fertilizer where magnesium deficiency is evident, especially in light sandy soil. Helps farmers correct soil nutrient deficiencies.
kilo: Kilo – same as kilogram. Helps farmers understand and use weight measurements.