
injection: 1. The forcing of fluid into something. Power output can be boosted to a value over 100% maximum power, by the injection of a water methanol mixture at the compressor inlet or at the combustion chamber inlet. 2. The act of injecting a liquid into a body using a syringe. 3. A preventative measure against a particular disease. A TB injection. 4. The introduction of something new or stimulating. Helps farmers understand different applications of injections in agriculture.

Intensive Animal Breeding

intensive animal breeding: A system of raising animals in which livestock are kept indoors and fed on concentrated foodstuffs, with frequent use of drugs to control the diseases which tend to occur under these conditions. Helps farmers manage intensive livestock production.


isoproturon: A herbicide used on cereals that is found as a contaminant of surface water. Helps farmers understand herbicide use and environmental impact.


intensification: The use of intensive farming methods. Intensification of farming has contributed to soil erosion. Compare extensification. Helps farmers understand the impact of intensive farming on the environment.

International Coffee Organization

International Coffee Organization: An international organization set up to stabilize the international market in coffee by holding buffer stocks to offset seasonal differences in production quantities. Abbr ICO. Provides market stability for coffee farmers.

Iucn – The World Conservation Union

IUCN – The World Conservation Union: A union of 140 countries that generates scientific knowledge, advice and standards on environmental subjects and monitors the status of species, publishing findings in its Red Lists. Helps farmers understand global conservation efforts.

Infected Area

infected area: A place where animals must be kept in isolation as a result of a notice issued by the Animals Inspector when an animal is suspected or known to have a notifiable disease. Helps farmers implement biosecurity measures.

Intensive Livestock Production

intensive livestock production: A specialized system of livestock production where the livestock are housed indoors. This system can be started up at any time of the year. Disease hazards are those related to diet and permanent housing for the whole of the animal’s life. Helps farmers manage indoor livestock production.


imbalance: 1. A situation where the balance between a set of things is unequal. Lack of vitamins A and E creates hormonal imbalances in farm animals. 2. A situation where one species is dominant. Helps farmers manage animal health and biodiversity.