
indigo: A tropical plant of the pea family which is a source of blue dye. Genus: Indigofera. Helps farmers grow crops for natural dyes.


immunity: 1. The natural or acquired ability of a person or other animal to resist a microorganism and the disease it causes. The vaccine gives immunity to tuberculosis. 2. The ability of a plant to resist disease through a protective covering on leaves, through the formation of protoplasts or through the development of inactive forms of viruses. Knowledge of immunity helps farmers protect crops and livestock from diseases.

Indian Game

Indian game: A breed of table poultry, often black with yellow legs. Helps farmers choose suitable poultry breeds for meat production.


ICCO: International Cocoa Organization – an international organization set up to stabilize the international market in cocoa by holding buffer stocks to offset seasonal differences in production quantities. Supports cocoa farmers’ livelihoods.


IPM: Integrated pest management. Helps farmers effectively manage pests with minimal environmental impact.


incubator: A special unit providing artificial heat used to hatch eggs. Incubators are available as small trays, or as large rooms for large-scale producers. Helps farmers increase hatching success rates.


immunization: The process of making an animal or person immune to a disease, typically through vaccination. Immunization is vital for preventing disease outbreaks and maintaining herd health.