
GATT: An international organization aiming to reduce restrictions on trade between countries. It was replaced in 1995 by the World Trade Organization (WTO). Full form: General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade. Understanding GATT helps farmers navigate international trade regulations and opportunities.

Growth Regulator

growth regulator: A growth regulator is a chemical used to control plant growth, mainly for weed control in cereals and grassland. Using growth regulators ensures efficient weed management and enhances crop yields.

Genetically Modified Organism

genetically modified organism: A plant or animal produced by the technique of genetic modification. Abbr: GMO. GMOs can provide solutions to agricultural challenges such as pest resistance and increased productivity.


germination: The process by which a seed develops into a new plant. Ensuring proper germination conditions is crucial for successful crop establishment.

Green Top Milk

green top milk: Green top milk is untreated milk, identified by the green tops of the bottles. Understanding the regulations and market for green top milk helps farmers produce and market dairy products effectively.


goosegrass: Goosegrass, also known as cleavers, is a common weed. Managing goosegrass effectively prevents it from competing with crops for nutrients and water, improving overall farm productivity.

Grain Aphid

grain aphid: A grain aphid is an insect that feeds on crops like barley, potentially destroying them. Managing grain aphids protects crops from damage, ensuring higher yields and quality produce.


glucosinolate: A compound left in rape meal after the oil has been extracted. Also called glucos. The animals convert the compound to toxin after eating it. Although glucosinolates can be removed by processing, plant breeders are trying to breed new varieties of rape that are low in glucos, and therefore avoid the extra production cost. Managing glucosinolate levels in feed ensures livestock health and prevents toxicity.


genetic: Referring to genes or genetics. Genetic research and techniques are vital for crop improvement and livestock breeding.


Granadilla: Granadilla is the passion fruit, a climbing plant with purple juicy fruit. Cultivating passion fruit provides diverse income sources and meets market demand for exotic fruits.