Fortified Wine

Fortified Wine: Wine such as sherry or port with extra alcohol added. Properly managing fortified wine production supports high-quality beverage production and marketability.

French Bean

French Bean: A common green vegetable (Phaseolus vulgaris) grown for sale fresh or for processing as canned, frozen, or dried vegetables. Properly managing French beans ensures high-quality vegetable production and marketability.

Fat Hen

Fat Hen: A weed (Chenopodium album) affecting spring cereals, peas, and row crops. Effective weed management practices are necessary to control fat hen and protect crop yields.


Forward: Earlier than usual or too early. Managing forward crops and livestock ensures timely production and market readiness.

Forest Floor

Forest Floor: The ground at the base of the trees in a forest. Properly managing the forest floor supports biodiversity and ecological health.


Fatten: To give animals food to prepare them for slaughter. Managing the fattening process efficiently enhances meat quality and farm profitability.


Farmyard: The area around farm buildings. Maintaining a clean and organized farmyard helps prevent accidents and promotes efficient farm operations.


Flax: The linseed plant. Growing flax provides valuable seeds and fibers for various agricultural and industrial uses.


Field-Grown: Referring to a crop grown in a field as opposed to in a greenhouse. Field-grown crops often have different management requirements and benefits compared to greenhouse-grown crops.


Feed: 1. To take food. 2. To give food to a person or animal. 3. To provide fertilizer for plants or soil. Proper feeding practices are essential for animal health and crop productivity.