ES: Abbreviation for Environmental Stewardship. Participating in Environmental Stewardship helps farmers receive funding for implementing environmentally friendly farming practices.

Early Weaning

early weaning: The practice of removing young from the dam earlier than is usual. Early weaning can benefit farmers by improving the health and growth rates of both the young and the dam.

English Beef And Lamb Executive

English Beef and Lamb Executive: An association providing market information for beef and lamb producers and suppliers. Abbr EBLEX. Farmers can benefit from EBLEX by accessing market information and support for beef and lamb production.


ethology: The study of the behavior of living organisms. Understanding ethology helps farmers manage livestock behavior and welfare.


ejector: A mechanism at the back of a farmyard manure spreader, which throws out the manure over a wide area. Understanding how ejectors work helps farmers optimize manure spreading.


estate: 1. A rural property consisting of a large area of land and a big house. 2. A plantation. Managing estates effectively helps farmers optimize land use and productivity.


entero-: Prefix referring to the intestine. Understanding prefixes like “entero-” helps farmers and agricultural scientists accurately describe and manage pests and diseases.