
Caterpillar: The soft-bodied larva of many species of butterflies and moths, feeding mainly on foliage. Managing caterpillar populations involves using integrated pest management practices to protect crops and ensure healthy growth.

Cultivated Land

Cultivated Land: Cultivated land noun land that has been dug or prepared for growing crops. Managing cultivated land supports sustainable farming practices and crop production.


Collie: Collie /k?li/ noun Scottish breed of sheepdog. Employing Collies in livestock management improves herd control and protection.


Cabbage: A cultivated vegetable (Brassica oleracea) with a round heart or head, a useful food for stock and human consumption. Growing cabbage can improve farm income through fresh market sales and provide nutritious feed for livestock.


Chinchilla: A small rabbit important for its soft grey fur. Raising chinchillas provides high-value fur for the textile industry, enhancing farm income and product diversity.


Cl: Symbol for chlorine. Managing chlorine use helps farmers maintain water quality and protect crops and livestock from harmful pathogens.

Carrot Fly

Carrot Fly: A small fly (Psila rosae) with larvae that burrow into carrot roots, causing crop loss. Managing carrot flies involves using row covers, crop rotation, and natural predators to protect crops and maintain yields.


Commensalism: Commensalism /k?mens?liz(?)m/ noun the state of organisms existing together as commensals. Managing commensalism involves understanding ecological interactions and maintaining ecosystem health.

Crushing Mill

Crushing Mill: Crushing mill noun a machine used to flatten grain before feeding it to livestock. Utilizing crushing mills enhances feed quality for livestock.

Certified Seed

Certified Seed: Seed successfully tested for purity, disease, and weed contamination, granted certification for sale. Using certified seed ensures high-quality crop production and reduces the risk of disease and pest issues.