
Cryophilous: Cryophilous /kra? ?f?l?s/ adjective referring to a plant that needs a period of cold weather to grow properly COMMENT: Cryophilous crops need a period of cold weather in order to produce flowers later in the growing period. If such crops do not undergo this cold period, their growth remains vegetative, or they only form abortive flowers with no seeds. Wheat, barley, oats, peas, sugar beet, and potatoes are all cryophilous. Understanding cryophilous plants aids in managing crop production and optimizing yields.


Fair: A regular meeting for the sale of goods or animals, often with sideshows and other entertainments. Fairs provide farmers with opportunities to market their products, network with other farmers, and learn about new farming techniques and technologies.

Farm Data Management

The practices and systems used to collect, store, analyze, and use data related to farm operations, including production, financial, and environmental data. For example, implementing farm data management systems to improve decision-making and optimize farm performance.

Compound Fertilizer

Compound Fertilizer: Compound fertilizer noun a fertilizer that supplies two or more nutrients. Also called mixed fertilizer. Compare straight fertilizer. Using compound fertilizers ensures balanced nutrient supply for crops.


mastitis-metritis-agalactia: full form of MMA. Understanding and managing mastitis-metritis-agalactia is crucial for maintaining the health and productivity of livestock, reducing mortality rates and ensuring better economic outcomes for farmers.

Clean Cattle

Clean Cattle: Cattle that have not been used for breeding. Managing clean cattle involves providing proper nutrition and healthcare to ensure their productivity and welfare.


Colony: Colony noun a group of animals, plants, or microorganisms living together in a place a colony of ants. Understanding colony dynamics helps in managing populations and ecosystems.


Chick: A young, newly hatched bird, up to the time it is weaned from the hen or brooder. Managing chick health and nutrition is crucial for developing strong, productive adult poultry.


rein: A long narrow strap used to control a horse, each end of which is attached to the bit in the horse’s mouth. Proper use of reins ensures safe and effective handling of horses, benefiting farm operations.