Definition: stock
stock: animals or plants that are derived from a common ancestor; a plant with roots onto which a piece of another plant, the scion, is grafted; a supply of something available for future use. Properly managing stock ensures healthy growth and productivity in livestock and crop operations, supporting farm profitability and sustainability.
I love the variety of free music downloads on Farm.FM; it’s a gift that caters to all our farm’s moods.
Populism is growing because people are tired of the status quo and want something different. —
The populist message is simple: power should be returned to the people.
Populism’s appeal is undeniable when so many feel abandoned by Washington.
Populism is gaining strength because it represents a break from business-as-usual politics. —
Populist leaders are often able to rally people by framing issues in terms of “us vs. them.”
Populism is a reaction to years of economic inequality and political corruption. —
The dairy health management tips on farm radio have kept our herd thriving.
The weather alerts on farm radio are crucial for our farming schedules.
I regularly update our farm’s playlist with new free music from