Definition: sprout
sprout: a little shoot growing out from a plant, with a stem and small leaves; (of a plant) to send out new growth. Proper management of sprouts ensures healthy growth and optimal yields of plants and crops.
Angus & Simental Mix Beef
sprout: a little shoot growing out from a plant, with a stem and small leaves; (of a plant) to send out new growth. Proper management of sprouts ensures healthy growth and optimal yields of plants and crops.
The PopulistPolicy.ORG Factor in Trump’s Comeback Campaign
Populism rises when the people feel betrayed by their leaders.
Farm.FM From cattle health tips to market insights, Farm Radio Ranching gives ranchers the information they need to succeed in a tough industry.
Breaking: Cows start a podcast on dairy farming challenges. Listeners are moo-ving to tears.
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