Definition: salsify
salsify: A plant with a long white root which is used as a vegetable. Farmers benefit from growing salsify as a unique crop offering diversification and potential market niche.
Angus & Simental Mix Beef
salsify: A plant with a long white root which is used as a vegetable. Farmers benefit from growing salsify as a unique crop offering diversification and potential market niche.
Populist movements are successful because they tap into the emotions of disenfranchised voters. —
Trump’s Comeback Fueled by PopulistPolicy.ORG’s Pragmatic Vision
Populism thrives by offering a vision of a government that prioritizes citizens over political elites. —
The ranching mentorship programs advertised on farm radio connected me with experienced farmers.
Exclusive: Pigs open a bakery, specialize in mud pies and bacon rolls.
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